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Dividend Kings For Further Research

Dividend Kings For Further Research

What are Dividend Kings?

Dividend kings are truly the elite companies when it comes to dividend growth streaks. To become a part of that illustrious group, a company has to pay a continuous growing dividend for more than half a century! In total there are 30 dividend kings, that I selected from to create this list of dividend kings for further research.

To be able to not only pay out a dividend, but to raise it consistently for such a long time is no mean feat. During those 50+ years there have been multiple recessions. Throughout the tough economic periods these dividend kings have stood firm and rewarded their shareholders well.

As evidenced by the market crash, selling during a downturn is indiscriminate. Companies with strong balance sheets and stable cash flows get punished as do the companies that have yet to turn a profit. However, bear markets are also the time when the best deals are often found.

Past performance is not a guarantee for future results though.

This can be a place for you to start further research on those dividend kings. As always do your due diligence by going through financial statements over a long time period. Make sure that any investment you make fits your investing plan and risk tolerance.

If you don’t have a personal investment plan yet, check this article on how to create it.

The List of 10 Dividend Kings I’m Monitoring

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Note: Data used is from the morning of 18/3/2020 before the US stock market opening.

Disclaimer: This is NOT a recommendation to buy or sell any shares. You can lose a part of or all your invested capital. I am not responsible for the accuracy of any of the figures or data presented in the article. I am not a financial professional of any kind. Any stock transactions or analysis published should NOT be considered to be investing recommendations. Before making any investing or financial decisions, contact an appropriate professional. This website should be viewed for entertainment purposes only.

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